What is the Lutheran Church?

The name “Lutheran” comes from Martin Luther, a German priest of the 1500’s, who helped the Christian Church rediscover the Good News, “For it is by grace (God’s undeserved favour) you have been saved, through faith – and this not from yourselves, it is a gift of God – not by good deeds – so that no one can boast.”    (Ephesians 2:8-9)

As Lutherans, we believe…

  • That the true God is three in one and one in three,  Father, Son, and Holy Spirit;

  • That the Bible is the inspired and inerrant Word of God and the only source of our teaching and faith

  • That every person is by nature sinful and that without forgiveness, is lost to eternity;

  • That God loved the world and sent His Son to suffer and die for our sins and rise again to be our Saviour;

  • That God forgives and saves all who repent and confess Jesus Christ as their Saviour;

  • That in Holy Baptism, intended for old and young alike, God washes away our sin and adopts us into His family, the church;

  • That in Holy Communion we believe in the real presence of Christ, that He gives to us forgiveness of sins and strengthens our  faith;

  • That, in response to God’s love, forgiveness and salvation, we seek to live a God-pleasing life; and

  • That those who die in Christ enter heaven at the time of death;

  • That Jesus Christ will come again to raise our bodies from the dead.